Hooray! We're almost there!! Soon we'll get to see what this little one looks like... how big she is, how much she weighs and all that good stuff! I am excited... a little nervous too, but mostly excited. On Tuesday I have my next OB appointment... this time they WILL be doing an internal to see where things stand. So hopefully I'll get some good news and we won't have to discuss other options (which I'd like to avoid if possible. Ya hear that kiddo? You need to come out on your own.. no induction or c-section for you!)
So I have really been thinking about things regarding this pregnancy. And I am truly blessed to have had such a... healthy pregnancy compared to some ladies. I mean, yeah, there was the whole hypothyroidism and the gazillion ultrasounds because of it and the couple spotting issues I had throughout... but, once my thyroid was controlled, there was no real issue. (And my OB and endocrinologist were on that problem like white on rice, yo.) And the spotting always turned out to be minor cervical irritation and resolved on its own. And here I sit, 39 weeks pregnant, just waiting for her to arrive, knowing that she should have no problems when she gets here. Then I think about H, Rose and Margaret's friend, who at this moment is laying in L&D, having just delivered her little boy at 33ish weeks, due to some severe health complications. Poor little guy will probably be in the NICU for a few weeks... I cried when I heard she was in the hospital; I cried when I got the message from Rose that they were inducing H today. I cried and then I prayed. I prayed for strength for H, her husband and their little one. It breaks my heart to think of the pain they must be going through--this should be a happy time for them! It's just not fair... so next time you hear someone who is full-term, begging for an induction or c-section just because it's more convenient for them, not because of any health problems, tell them to STHU--at least they made it to full-term without major issues.
I, for one, am very, very, very, very grateful to have made it to where I am now. I know a lot of women never make it to this stage due to various complications and their little ones end up spending weeks and weeks in the NICU. Matt, Cadence and I are truly blessed. I will continue to pray for H and her new family and I ask that you please do the same. Have a good night.
~loretta faith
We are anxiously awaiting Cadence. This was a really sweet blog. I almost cried. Thanks for praying for them.